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NAKAI Hirofumi

Profile Research field Research achievement Educational achievement Social contribution achievement


Published Papers  
No.TitleJournalVolNoStart PageEnd PagePublication dateDOIReferee
1The method of infinite descent in stable homotopy theory II New York Journal of Mathematics 30 231 269 Feb. 2024  Refereed 
2A Simple Formula for Doomsday The Mathematical Intelligencer 45 131 132 Dec. 2, 2022 
3On the Stable Homotopy Groups of Certain James Constructions 111 120 Mar. 2014  Not refereed 
4Chromatic method in motivic homotopy category 43 56 Mar. 2012  Not refereed 
5Solution of Kervaire invariant problem, and some remaining problems Journal of General Education Center 23 34 Mar. 2010  Not refereed 
6On beta-elements in the Adams-Novikov spectral sequence JOURNAL OF TOPOLOGY 295 320 2009 
8On the homotopy groups of $E(n)$-local spectra with unusual invariant ideals Geometry & Topology Monographs 10 319 332 Jun. 2007  Refereed 
9The structure of the general chromatic $E_1$-term $Ext_{\Gamma(2)}^{0}(M_{2}^{1})$ at the prime $2$ Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 33 137 156 Jan. 2003  Refereed 
10On the generalized Novikov first Ext group modulo a prime OSAKA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 39 843 865 Dec. 2002  Refereed 
11The chromatic $E_{1}$-term $H^{0}M_{1}^{2}$ for $p=3$ Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kochi University 23 27 44 Mar. 2002  Refereed 
12The chromatic Ext groups Ext(Gamma)(0)(m+1) (BP*, M-2(1)) TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 354 3789 3813 2002 
13On the Adams-Novikov $E_2$-terms for Smith-Toda spectra $V(n)$ Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Department of Mathematics Mar. 2000  Refereed 
14The chromatic $E_{1}$-term $H^{0}M_{1}^{2}$ for $p>3$ New York Journal of Mathematics 21 54 Jan. 2000  Refereed 
15The quasi $KO_{*}$-types of spectra $X$ with $KU_{*}X = Z/2^{m} \oplus Z/2^{n}$ Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kochi University (Mathematics) 17 111 140 Mar. 1996  Refereed 


Conference Activities & Talks  
No.TitleConferencePublication datePromoterVenue
1Real Johnson-Wilson homology groups of few cell spectra Sep. 24, 2020 
2Toward the united Johnson-Wilson theory Dec. 2019 
3On the structure maps of united Johnson-Wilson theory Mar. 31, 2019 
4On the cohomology of moduli stack of hyperelliptic curves The symposium of “Johnson homomorphisms and related topics” May. 2017 
5On the stable homotopy groups of $T(m)_{(j)}$ 5th East Asian Conference of Algebraic Topology Dec. 2013 
6Calculations for some Hopf algebroids related to topological modular form International Conference -- Complex cobordism in homotopy theory: its impact and prospects (at Johns Hopkins university) Mar. 12, 2007 Johns Hopkins university 
7Ravenel's $T(m)$ spectrum and its applications Topology Seminor (at University of Rochester) Mar. 28, 2005 University of Rochester 
8On the Adams-Novikov $E_{2}$-terms for Smith-Toda spectra $V(n)$ Topology Seminor (at Johns Hopkins University) Apr. 12, 2000 Johns Hopkins university 
9The $v_{2}$-torsion part of $Ext_{BP_*BP}^{2}(BP_*V(0))$ and triviality of some $\delta$-elements Japan U.S. Mathematics Institute Mar. 23, 2000 Johns Hopkins University 
10On the Adams-Novikov $E_{2}$-terms for Smith-Toda spectra $V(n)$ Topology Seminor (at University of Rochester) Mar. 26, 1999 University of Rochester 


Research Grants & Projects  
No.Offer organizationSystem nameTitleFund classificationDate
1Formal group laws and Hopf algebroids associated to algebraic curves, and those relations with generalised cohomology theories competitive_research_funding    
2Homotopy groups of finite CW complex from the viewpoints of Brown-Peterson theory competitive_research_funding