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Profile Research field Research achievement Educational achievement Social contribution achievement


Books etc  
No.TitleAutour TypePublisherPublication dateRangeISBN
1Crystal Growth Processes Based on Capillarity: Czochralski, Floating Zone, Shaping and Crucible Techniques Contributor John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Apr. 2010 chapter 7 Marangoni Convection in Crystal Growth 9780470712443


Published Papers  
No.TitleJournalVolNoStart PageEnd PagePublication dateDOIReferee
1A novel method of reconstructing planar flow field from given distribution of single velocity component: comparison to conventional divergence-free approach Meccanica Jul. 17, 2024 
2Application of physics-informed neural network to process analysis of liquid film coatings CMD Newsletter 71 36 39 Jul. 2024  Not refereed 
3Transition of low Reynolds number flow around Ahmed body of slant angle 𝜃 = 29° and 31° Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan 55 593 600 May. 2024 
4Formation of Thickness Undulation During Coating and Drying Processes of Liquid Films Journal of Japan Coating Technology Association 59 542 553 Jan. 2024  Not refereed 
5Analysis Method for Luminescence Obtained by HighSpeed Camera for Solidification Experiments at the Electrostatic Levitation Furnace in the International Space Station International Journal of Microgravity Science and Application 41 410101 Jan. 2024  Refereed 
6Round-robin measurement of surface tension of high-temperature liquid platinum free of oxygen adsorption by oscillating droplet method using levitation techniques High Temperature Materials and Processes 42 Dec. 31, 2023 
7Influence of different outflow boundary conditions on hemodynamic analysis of cerebral aneurysm Journal of Biorheology 37 21 34 Aug. 2023 
8Surrogate models for the magnitude of convection in droplets levitated through EML, ADL, and ESL methods International Journal of Microgravity Science and Application 40 20 Jul. 31, 2023 
9Trend in Physics-Informed Neural Networks and Application to Liquid Film Flows Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 38 335 344 May. 2023 refereed 
10Effects of Oxygen Partial Pressure and Tolerance Factor on Phase Selection of DyMnO3 Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials 早期公開 Apr. 2023 
11Effects of Oxygen Partial Pressure and Tolerance Factor on Phase Selection of DyMnO<sub>3</sub> MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 2023 
12Physics‐informed neural network applied to surface‐tension‐driven liquid film flows International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 94 1359 1378 Apr. 2022 
13Mechanism of Oscillatory Flow around the Ahmed Body at low Reynolds Numbers Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan 52 1254 1260 Nov. 2021 
14Nucleation-Controlled Phase Selection in Rapid Solidification from Undercooled Melt of DyMnO3 MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 62 982 987 Jul. 1, 2021 
15Efficient Implementation of Two-Phase Flow Solver Based on THINC/SW and S-CLSVOF on Unstructured Meshes International Journal of Microgravity Science and Application 38 380301 Jul. 2021 
16Nucleation-Controlled Phase Selection in Rapid Solidification from Undercooled Melt of DyMnO3 Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials 85 155 161 Apr. 1, 2021 
17Analysis of Improvement Effect of Thermal Sensation via Seat Ventilation System -Heat Transfer Analysis in Seat Ventilation System with Human Subjects- 52 388 394 Feb. 2021  Refereed 
18Classification of Steady Flows Around the Ahmed Body at Low Reynolds Numbers Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan 51 818 823 Aug. 2020  Refereed 
19Spatio-temporal thickness variation and transient Marangoni number in striations during spin coating International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 154 119678 119678 Jun. 2020 
20Semi-analytical solution for deformation of elastic/viscoelastic two-layered films pressed on partially-opened substrate International Journal of Solids and Structures 191-192 588 600 May. 15, 2020 
21Analysis of infection risk with agent simulation - Inhibiting infection risk with surgical mask and corridor width 16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Creative and Smart Solutions for Better Built Environments, Indoor Air 2020 2020  
22Containerless processing of metastable multiferroic composite in Ln-(Mn, Fe)-O system (Ln: Lanthanide) Journal of the American Ceramic Society Early View 2020 
23Numerical simulation of the sterilization effect with UV lamps in air-conditioning systems 16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Creative and Smart Solutions for Better Built Environments, Indoor Air 2020 2020  
24Efficient Solution Procedure for Thermofluidics in Turbochargers —Momentum Source Model with Considering Viscous Loss— Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan 50 1665 1672 Nov. 2019 
25Effect of Slant Angle on Unsteady Flow Structures of Ahmed Body Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan 50 154 159 Jan. 2019 
26Understanding of boundary conditions imposed at multiple outlets in computational haemodynamic analysis of cerebral aneurysm Journal of Biorheology 33 32 42 2019 
27Large-Scale Separated Vortex Generated in a Wake Flow of Ahmed’s Body Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 102 16 Jun. 28, 2018 
28In vitro measurement of platelet adhesion to intact endothelial cells under low shear conditions Biorheology 54 2-4 51 65 2018 
29Splash and bounce of droplet on liquid film under low gravity Int. J. Microgravity Sci. Appl. 33 330110 Jan. 2016  Refereed 
30Double-peaked edge-bead in drying film of solvent-resin mixtures Physics of Fluids 27 10 102105 102105 Oct. 2015 
31Industrial Materials : Numerical Simulation of Double Peaked Edge-Bead in Thick Photoresist Films 応用数理 25 125 128 Sep. 2015 refereed 
32Identifying rotation and oscillation in surface tension measurement using an oscillating droplet method Heat Transfer - Asian Research 37 421 430 2008 
33Attempt to study Marangoni flow of low-Pr-number fluids using a liquid bridge of silver ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH 41 12 2107 2111 2008 
34Linear stability of thermocapillary flow in partially confined half-zones Physics of Fluids 19 044103 044103 Apr. 2007 
35Stability of thermocapillary flow in liquid bridges of low-Prandtl-number fluids Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology Mar. 2007  Not refereed 
36Suggestion for identifying rotation and l=2, m=.+-.2 oscillation in surface tension measurement by oscillating droplet method Japan Journal of Thermophysical Properties 21 207 211 2007 
37Effects of Gravitational Acceleration on Formation of Coronets JASMA : Journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application = 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌 23 46 47 Jan. 31, 2006  Not refereed 
38Effect of centrifugal forces on the instability of the thermocapillary flow in partially confined half-zones MICROGRAVITY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 18 3-4 132 136 2006 
39Oscillatory transition of axisymmetric flow in partially confined thermocapillary bridges of low-Pr fluids: Effect of centrifugal and elliptic instability mechanisms J. Jpn. Soc. Microgravity Appl. 23 233 243 2006  Refereed 
40Experimental study on time evolution of Marangoni flow instability in molten silicon bridge JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 40 9-10 2221 2225 May. 2005 
41Non-contact measurement of surface oscillation due to Marangoni flow instability in a silicon liquid bridge by phase-shift interferometry JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 40 9-10 2245 2249 May. 2005 
42Study on Marangoni Flow in Liquid Bridge of Silicon J. Jpn. Soc. Microgravity Appl. 21 276 280 Oct. 31, 2004  Not refereed 
43Numerical simulation of Marangoni flow in partially confined half-zone liquid bridge of low-Prandtl-number fluids JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 266 1-3 145 151 May. 2004 


No.TitleJournalVolNoStart PageEnd PagePublication date
1Analysis of defogging performance, thermal comfort, and energy saving for HVAC system optimization in passenger vehicles E3S Web of Conferences 111 Aug. 13, 2019 
2流速1成分より2次元流速ベクトル分布を推定する方法に関する基礎研究 日本バイオレオロジー学会誌(B&R) 33 90 90 Jun. 2019 
3Numerical study on oil flow in the vicinity of discharge reed valve of air compressor Proceedings of the World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering 2019 
4内皮細胞への血小板粘着に対するADP濃度とずり応力の影響 日本バイオレオロジー学会誌(Web) 32 64 (WEB ONLY) 64 Jun. 16, 2018 
5内皮細胞への血小板粘着に対するADP濃度とずり応力の影響 日本バイオレオロジー学会誌(B&R) 32 64 64 Jun. 2018 
6On Receiving the Best Paper Award of JSTP 熱物性 : Japan journal of thermophysical properties 23 11 11 Feb. 28, 2009 
7Study on Half-Zone Model of Low Prandtl Number Fluids from a Viewpoint of Ambient Gas Flow 23 271 271 Nov. 30, 2006 
8Instability mechanisms of thermocapillay flow in partially confined half-zones 23 274 274 Nov. 30, 2006 
9Non-axisymmetric behavior of flow instability for oscillatory thermocapillary convection in molten silicon bridge at high Ma-numbers 18 139 139 Mar. 1, 2005 
11Dynamic Experimental Analysis of Oscillatory Marangoni Flow in the Molten Silicon Bridge at High Marangoni Number 21 16 16 Nov. 4, 2004 
12Linear Stability Analysis of Thermocapillary Flow in Partially Confined Half-Zone Liquid Bridge 21 17 17 Nov. 4, 2004 
13Dynamic Behavior of Marangoni Flow Instability in Molten Silicon Bridge Journal of the Japanese Association of Crystal Growth 31 106 106 Aug. 25, 2004 
14Non-contact measurement of surface oscillation due to Marangoni flow instability in silicon liquid bridge by phase-shift-interferometry 20 29 29 Oct. 23, 2003 
15Direct Transition from Axisymmetric to Oscillatory Flow of Marangoni Convection in Partially Confined Half-Zone Liquid Bridge 20 28 28 Oct. 23, 2003 
16Numerical Simulation of Marangoni Flow in Si Half-Zone Liquid Bridge with Partially Confined Free Surface 19 34 34 Oct. 17, 2002 


Conference Activities & Talks  
No.TitleConferencePublication datePromoterVenue
1Mechanism of low Reynolds number oscillatory flow past Ahmed body 2024 JSAE Annual Congress (Spring) May. 22, 2024 
2Measurement framework for thermophysical properties of molten metal oxides by aerodynamic levitation: identifictation of surface tension and viscosity from droplet oscillation behaviour Jan. 16, 2024 
3Panel method for inviscid flows in axisymmetric cylindrical coordinates 37th CFD Symposium Dec. 17, 2023 
4Simultaneous estimation of multiple physical properties by data assimilation using PINN 37th CFD Symposium Dec. 16, 2023 
5Thermal Storage Material Using Miscibility Gap Alloys 35th Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-35) Oct. 27, 2023 
6Melting and Solidification Experiments of Ti Alloy Samples with TiC by ISS-ELF in Hetero-3D Mission 35th Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-35) Oct. 27, 2023 
7Density Measurement of Liquid Platinum by Aerodynamic Levitation with Split Nozzle 35th Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-35) Oct. 25, 2023 
8Simulation of metal solidification process for improvement of metal additive manufacturing 35th Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-35) Oct. 25, 2023 
9Effect of Convection on Microstructure Refinement in Ti6Al4V Alloys with Additive TiC Solidified via Levitation Techniques 35th Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-35) Oct. 25, 2023 
10Measurement framework for thermophysical properties of molten metal oxides by aerodynamic levitation: Identification procedure of surface tension from static droplet shape 35th Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-35) Oct. 25, 2023 
11Estimation of the Surface Tension for Molten Fe–Si–Cu Ternary System Alloys 35th Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-35) Oct. 25, 2023 
12Surface Tension Measurement of Molten Cu-Fe Alloys: A Key Step for succeeding the Thermal Storage Project at the ISS 35th Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-35) Oct. 25, 2023 
13Effect of slant angle on mechanism of transition to oscillatory flow around Ahmed body Oct. 11, 2023 
14Evolutional Deep Neural Network applied to equation of liquid film flows JSFM Annual Meeting 2023 Sep. 22, 2023 
15Multiphase mixture model for simulation of melting and permeation process of lunar regolith for production of exterior walls The 34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS-34) Jun. 8, 2023 
16Prediction of internal flow and heat transfer in molten metal droplet levitated by electro-magnetic, aero-dynamic, and electro-static methods 38th Annual Meeting for the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR 2022) Nov. 11, 2022 
17Simulation of melting and solidification process of lunar regolith layer for production of exterior walls 38th Annual Meeting for the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR 2022) Nov. 11, 2022 
18Critical Reynolds Number for Onset of Oscillatory Flow around Ahmed Body of Slant Angle 31 Degree 2022 JSAE Congress (Autumn) Oct. 14, 2022 
19Effect of activation function types on physics-informed neural networks JSFM Annual Meeting 2022 Sep. 27, 2022 JSFM Kyoto University 
20Simulation of melting and solidification process of lunar regolith layer for production of exterior walls 34th Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-34) Sep. 16, 2022 JASMA Nagoya 
21Numerical simulation of thermofluidic in droplet levitated by electro-magnetic, aero-dynamic, and electro static methods 34th Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-34) Sep. 16, 2022 JASMA Nagoya 
22Physics-informed machine learning and its application to liquid film flows 5th Technical Session on Surrogate Modeling for Analysis and Design Jul. 19, 2022 
23Three-dimensional time-dependent numerical simulation of liquid film flow during spin-coating 35th CFD Symposium, Dec. 14, 2021 
24Improvement of Two-Phase Flow Solver based on THINC/SW and S-CLSVOF on Unstructured Meshes 33rdConference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-33) Oct. 15, 2021 
25Metal manufacturing for space architecture by Lunar regolith: Numerical simulation of melting and solidification process of graveled regolith 33rd Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-33) Oct. 13, 2021 JASMA Online 
26Extension of Physics-Informed Neural Network using Convolutional Neural Network 33rd Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-33) Oct. 13, 2021 JASMA Online 
27Marangoni Effect on Thermofluidics in Droplet in the Electro-Magnetic Levitation 33rd Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-33) Oct. 13, 2021 JASMA Online 
28Effect of Transfer Learning on Physics-Informed Neural Network JSFM Annual Meeting 2021 Sep. 21, 2021 JSFM Online 
29Modeling of liquid film flow during spin-coating; Marangoni-Bénard instability in parallel basic flow 8th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (HTFF’21) Aug. 2, 2021 Online 
30Vortex panel method in axisymmetric cylindrical coordinate 8th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (HTFF’21) Aug. 2, 2021 Online 
31Physics-Informed Neural Network with Variable Initial Conditions 8th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (HTFF’21) Aug. 2, 2021 Online 
32Mechanism of oscillatory flow around the Ahmed body at low Reynolds numbers 2021 JSAE Congress (Spring) May. 27, 2021 JSAE Online 
33Analysis of Engine Heat Balance and Estimation of Thermal Efficiency Based on the Equivalent Theory Cycle 2021 JSAE Congress (Autumn) May. 2021 JSAE Online 
34Analysis of Improvement Effect of Thermal Sensation via Seat Ventilation System 2020 JSAE Congress (Autumn) Oct. 2020 JSAE Online 
35Efficient Method for Temperature Estimation with Heat Radiation Index CRI(R): Modeling of Heat Transfer Change Caused by Heat Protector 2020 JSAE Congress (Autumn) Oct. 2020 JSAE Online 
36Occurrence Conditions of Unsteady Flows Around the Ahmed Body at Low Reynolds Numbers 2020 JSAE Congress (Autumn) Oct. 2020 JSAE Online 
37Modeling of liquid film flow during spin-coating: Marangoni-B´enard instability for parallel basic flow JSFM Annual Meeting 2020 Sep. 2020 JSFM Online 
38Fast data-assimilation based on Physics-Informed Neural Network JSFM Annual Meeting 2020 Sep. 2020 JSFM Online 
39Physics-Informed Neural Network with variable initial conditions JSFM Annual Meeting 2020 Sep. 2020 JSFM Online 
40Vortex panel method in axisymmetric cylindrical coordinate JSFM Annual Meeting 2020 Sep. 2020 JSFM Online 
41Numerical Analysis of Flows Around the Ahmed Body at Low Reynolds Numbers JSFM Annual Meeting 2020 Sep. 2020 JSFM Online 
42The transition process of the flow around the Ahmed body at low Reynolds numbers 2020 JSAE Congress (Autumn) May. 2020 JSAE Online 
43Numerical Simulation on Breakup of Droplets from Vibrating Liquid Films 31st Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-31) Oct. 2019 JASMA Tohoku University 
44On Generation Process of Striation during Spin-Coating: Spatiotemporal Thickness Variation 31st Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-31) Oct. 2019 JASMA Tohoku University 
45On striation during spin-coating: measurement of transient thickness variation JSFM Annual Meeting 2019 Sep. 13, 2019 The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics 
46Application of Physics-Informed Machine Learning to governing equation for liquid film flows JSFM Annual Meeting 2019 Sep. 13, 2019 The Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics Tokyo University of Science 
47Numerical study on oil flow in the vicinity of discharge reed valve of air compressor 6th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (HTFF19) Aug. 2019 
48Numerical simulation on breakup of droplets from vibrating liquid films 6th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (HTFF19) Aug. 2019 
49Analysis of Defogging Performance, Thermal Comfort, and Energy Saving for HVAC System Optimization in Passenger Vehicles CLIMA 2019 May. 2019 
50Momentum Source Model for Thermofluidics in Turbocharger with Considering Viscous Loss The 29th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP29) Oct. 31, 2018 
51Aerodynamics on the POD of Team Keio Alpha Loop Transport 2018 Jul. 24, 2018 
52Contribution of large-scale vortex on a transition mechanism of flow around Ahmed's body considered based on simultaneous measurement of velocity and pressure fields Int. Conf. on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows (ICJWSF-2017) Oct. 9, 2017 
53Modeling of flow and mass transfer in evaporating thick photoresist films ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference Jul. 2011 
54Study on Half-Zone Model of Low Prandtl Number Fluids from a Viewpoint of Ambient Gas Flow JASMAC-22 Nov. 30, 2006 
55Instability mechanisms of thermocapillay flow in partially confined half-zones JASMAC-22 Nov. 30, 2006 JASMA 
56Effect of the partial confinement of the free surface on linear stability of the thermocapillary flow in half-zone liquid bridges JSME annual meeting 2006 Sep. 15, 2006 
57Non-axisymmetric behavior of flow instability for oscillatory thermocapillary convection in molten silicon bridge at high Ma-numbers Mar. 1, 2005 
58Linear Stability Analysis of Thermocapillary Flow in Partially Confined Half-Zone Liquid Bridge JASMAC-20 Nov. 4, 2004 JASMA 
59Dynamic Experimental Analysis of Oscillatory Marangoni Flow in the Molten Silicon Bridge at High Marangoni Number JASMAC-20 Nov. 4, 2004 JASMA 
60Dynamic Behavior of Marangoni Flow Instability in Molten Silicon Bridge Journal of the Japanese Association for Crystal Growth Aug. 25, 2004 
61Non-contact measurement of surface oscillation due to Marangoni flow instability in silicon liquid bridge by phase-shift-interferometry JASMAC-19 Oct. 23, 2003 JASMA 
62Direct Transition from Axisymmetric to Oscillatory Flow of Marangoni Convection in Partially Confined Half-Zone Liquid Bridge 19th Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-19) Oct. 23, 2003 JASMA 
63Numerical Simulation of Marangoni Flow in Si Half-Zone Liquid Bridge with Partially Confined Free Surface 18th Conference of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application (JASMAC-18) Oct. 17, 2002 JASMA 


Awards & Honors  
No.Publication dateAssociationPrizeSubtitle
1Mar. 2024 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids (Wiley) Top Downloaded Articles 2022 Physics‐informed neural network applied to surface‐tension‐driven liquid film flows 
2Oct. 2017 Japan Society of Microgravity Application Paper Award Splash and bounce of droplet on liquid layer under low gravity 


Research Grants & Projects  
No.Offer organizationSystem nameTitleFund classificationDate
1Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Grant-in-Aid for Front Loading Research from the Advisory Committee for Space Utilization Research Measurement framework for thermophysical properties of molten metal oxides by aerodynamic levitation competitive_research_funding  May. 2024 - Feb. 2025 
2Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI Analysis method for liquid film coating process by means of physics-informed machine learning with missing physics learning from observed data competitive_research_funding  Apr. 2024 - Mar. 2027 
3Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Grant-in-Aid for Front Loading Research from the Advisory Committee for Space Utilization Research Measurement framework for thermophysical properties of molten metal oxides by aerodynamic levitation competitive_research_funding  May. 2023 - Feb. 2024 
4Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Measurement framework for thermophysical properties of molten metal oxides by aerodynamic levitation competitive_research_funding  Jul. 2022 - Feb. 2023 
5Japan Society for Promotion of Science KAKENHI Innovative data assimilation method based on physics-informed machine learning and its application to multiple simultaneous estimation of physical properties of coating films competitive_research_funding  Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2025 
6Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI Prediction of thickness undulations in coating of liquid films by means of physics-informed machine learning competitive_research_funding  Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2023 
7Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI Modeling and suppression of the striation formation arising during spincoating of photoresist films competitive_research_funding  Aug. 2017 - Mar. 2019