Published Papers |
No. | Title | Journal | Vol | No | Start Page | End Page | Publication date | DOI | Referee |
1 | Graphical Analysis of ‘Myth of Tomorrow’ of Taro Okamoto: Bipolar Oppositionalism of Tragity and Hope | Journal of Graphic Science of Japan | 59 | 2 | 30 | 37 | Sep. 2024 | | Refereed |
2 | Typology of Welcoming Space. An Analysis of Doors in Domestic Space by Luigi Caccia Dominioni | Journal for Geometry and Graphics Volume | 28 | 1 | 117 | 129 | Aug. 2024 | | Refereed |
3 | SPATIAL COMPOSITION WITH FOCUSING TO VERTICAL CIRCULATION IN JAPANESE CONTEMPORARY HOUSES (PART 2):PLACEMENT OF DOORS AND ROOMS ON THE INTERIOR FLOW LINE  | Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) | 88 | 813 | 3137 | 3145 | Nov. 1, 2023 | | Refereed |
4 | Invisible Cube: Aldo Rossi's Early Works with Gianugo Polesello | Nexus Network Journal | 25 | 3 | 713 | 750 | Sep. 2023 | | Refereed |
5 | Abstract Architecture: Representation of Architecture Through Brick Toy Workshop | Journal for Geometry and Graphics | 27 | 1 | 103 | 115 | 2023 | | Refereed |
6 | NOTES ON AN ABSOLUTE ARCHITECTURE OF PIER VITTORIO AURELI: THE POSSIBILITY OF AN ABSOLUTE ARCHITECTURE (2011) and theoretical references from G. Polesello, A. Rossi and M. Tafuri | Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) | 87 | 798 | 1555 | 1566 | Aug. 1, 2022 | | Refereed |
7 | SPATIAL COMPOSITION WITH FOCUSING ON VERTICAL CIRCULATION IN JAPANESE CONTEMPORARY HOUSES | Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) | 87 | 796 | 1074 | 1083 | Jun. 1, 2022 | | Refereed |
8 | Design Schéma of Cross on Elementary School in Fagnano Olona of Aldo Rossi | Journal of Graphic Science of Japan | 56 | 1 | 3 | 11 | Mar. 2022 | | Refereed |
9 | Grid as Memory in City and Architecture  | ICGG 2022 - Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics | | | 477 | 488 | 2022 | | Refereed |
10 | Watchtower of De Chirico : Design process of Aldo Rossi's Town Hall of Muggio (1971-72)  | Journal of Graphic Science of Japan | 55 | 2 | 13 | 20 | Sep. 2021 | | Refereed |
11 | Zen, Shinto, and Saints  | East Asian Architecture in Globalization | | | 581 | 598 | Jun. 19, 2021 | | Refereed |
12 | TOWARD AN ARCHITECTURE OF TENDENZA:Theory of Tendenza in "Le teorie della progettazione" of Aldo Rossi  | Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) | | 784 | 1764 | 1774 | Jun. 2021 | | Refereed |
13 | STRUCTURE OF CLASSIFICATION IN CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE WITH A CIRCULAR PLAN:A study on the geometry and scale in architecture Part 2  | Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) | | 783 | 1581 | 1591 | May. 2021 | | Refereed |
14 | CUBO SCAVATO:-Origin of architectural design process of schéma of the cube in Modena Cemetery by Aldo Rossi-  | Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) | | 781 | 1147 | 1153 | Mar. 2021 | | Refereed |
15 | TAFURI, CONTRE LA VIE:Communion between Aldo Rossi and Manfredo Tafuri  | Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) | | 781 | 1155 | 1165 | Mar. 2021 | | Refereed |
16 | GIANUGO POLESELLO'S ARCHITECTURAL IDEOLOGY AND "COLUMN DEBATE" WITH ALDO ROSSI:-Collaboration in architect adolescence of Polesello-Rossi for theoretical contribution to La Tendenza-  | Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) | 85 | 777 | 2437 | 2445 | Nov. 2020 | | Refereed |
17 | WITTGENSTEIN'S IMPACT IN BIRTH OF THE IDEA OF CITTÀ ANALOGA:-Theory of Città Analoga in beginning of I Quaderni Azzurri of Aldo Rossi through Tractatus Logico-philosophicus-  | Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) | 84 | 764 | 2219 | 2225 | Oct. 2019 | | Refereed |
18 | THE DIMENSIONS OF STAIRCASE OF MONUMENTS DESIGNED BY ALDO ROSSI  | Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) | 84 | 763 | 2017 | 2023 | Sep. 2019 | | Refereed |
19 | THE STREET STRUCTURE IN ALFAMA DISTRICT, LISBON:Study on the method for architectural utilization on the mortar-shaped slope  | Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) | 84 | 763 | 1937 | 1946 | Sep. 2019 | | Refereed |
20 | Repetition of triangle fountain of aldo rossi: Geometrical analogy of architecture  | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | 809 | | 809 | 819 | 2019 | | Refereed |
21 | TYPOLOGICAL STRUCTURE IN CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE MADE OF SQUARE PLAN : A study on the geometry and scale in architecture  | | 83 | 752 | 2067 | 2077 | Oct. 2018 | | Refereed |
22 | Circle, triangle, and square: Trinity of geometry in the architecture of Aldo Rossi  | Journal for Geometry and Graphics | 22 | 1 | 129 | 137 | 2018 | | Refereed |
23 | THE MATERIALITY ON ARCHITECTURE OF ALDO ROSSI  | Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) | 82 | 738 | 2123 | 2129 | Aug. 2017 | | Refereed |
24 | The Technological View of Tendenza Theoretical Contribution to Architecture of Carlo Aymonino and Aldo Rossi | Proceedings of the 11th ISAIA | | | 818 | 823 | Sep. 2016 | | Refereed |
25 | A STUDY OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL VIEW AND APPLICATION TO ARCHITECTURE OF CARLO AYMONINO  | Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) | 81 | 724 | 1403 | 1409 | 2016 | | Refereed |
26 | A STUDY ON TYPE AS IDEOLOGY OF THE TENDENZA MOVEMENT:- Ideologies and design theories of Giorgio Grassi and Aldo Rossi -  | Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) | 81 | 726 | 1791 | 1797 | 2016 | | Refereed |
No. | Title | Journal | Vol | No | Start Page | End Page | Publication date |
1 | WS – Representation of “Architectures of the City” Explored with the Brick Toys  | Repre | 47 | | | | Feb. 22, 2023 |
2 | The Divine Invasion: Aldo Rossi’s Windows without Glass  | Essays, WINDOW RESEARCH INSTITUTE | | | | | Jan. 31, 2023 |
3 | KATAGIRI, Y.: AURELI, TAFURI, ROSSI, POLESELLO—Kenchiku Riron ni okeru “Venetian Theory” no Suimyaku (AURELI, TAFURI, ROSSI, AND POLESELLO—Water Vein of “Venetian Theory” on Architectural Theory),  | | 40 | | | | Oct. 2020 |
4 | アルド・ロッシの類推概念における宗教的イメージ 論考「見えない距離」における伊勢神宮のイメージ論の分析  | 2017年度日本建築学会大会(中国)学術講演会 梗概集 | | 2017 | 393 | 394 | Jul. 20, 2017 |
5 | Relay Essay : A Primitive Architecture  | | 51 | 2 | 29 | 31 | Jun. 2017 |
6 | アルド・ロッシとキリスト教 1970 年代のドローイングにおける図像学的表象分析  | 2016年度日本建築学会大会(九州)学術講演会 梗概集 | | 2016 | 135 | 136 | Aug. 24, 2016 |
Conference Activities & Talks |
No. | Title | Conference | Publication date | Promoter | Venue |
1 | Rondo : A Theory and Practice for "Phenomenal Cube" | ICGG 2024 The 21st International Conference on Geometry and Graphics | Aug. 8, 2024 | | |
2 | Infanzia della geometria : Operazione formale nelle progettazioni di Gianugo Polesello | 18th Convention of the Association for Studies of Culture and Representation | Jul. 7, 2024 | | |
3 | Toward "Phenomenal Cube" in Architectural Theory | 2023 Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Graphic Science | Nov. 24, 2023 | | |
4 | Schéma in Architectural Theory and Application in Design Education (2): Soseki-ken Exhibition through Brick Toy | Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan. | Sep. 14, 2023 | | |
5 | Geometry for Memory: The Hypothesis‘Abstract Architecture’ on Soseki-ken Group | | Jun. 29, 2023 | | |
6 | Exhibition Abstract Architecture | ブロック玩具で探求する抽象建築 組積展 | Feb. 13, 2023 | | |
7 | WS – Representation of “Architectures of the City” Explored with the Brick Toys | The 16th annual meeting of the Association for Studies of Culture and Representation | Nov. 12, 2022 | | |
8 | Architectural Theory and Design of Aldo Rossi: Considering Manfredo Tafuri's critique and collaborated works in the early days. | Master’s Program in Architecture, Graduate School of Creative Engineering, Chiba Institute of Technology | Oct. 11, 2022 | | |
9 | Grid as Memory in City and Architecture | ICGG 2022 The 20th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics | Aug. 18, 2022 | | |
10 | Before the Birth of "History": Architectural Design around Manfredo Tafuri and "The Architecture of the City" | | Jul. 3, 2022 | | |
11 | Public meetsup with neighbors | Mori Arts Center | May. 15, 2022 | | |
12 | An Archaeology of Absolute Architecture :Gianugo Polesello and Pier Vittorio Aureli | Rally: ARCHITECTURAL THEORY | Apr. 7, 2022 | | |
13 | ABSOLUTE ARCHITECTURE AND EQUILATERAL TRIANGLES | Osaka Sangyo University | Dec. 10, 2021 | | |
14 | GRID ON THE CUBE OF NEW SAN CATALDO CEMETERY | The 13th Asian Forum on Graphic Science (AFGS 2021) | Dec. 6, 2021 | | |
15 | Architectural Motives on Project for Festa di l'Unità of Gianugo Polesello | 2021 Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Graphic Science | Nov. 21, 2021 | | |
16 | Relationship between the internal composition of architecture using an equilateral triangular plane and external factors (3): On the shadow made by the northern sunlight represented in the site plans of New Office for Chamber of Deputies in Rome and of Fountain in Segrate | | Sep. 9, 2021 | | |
17 | GEOMETRICAL REPRESENTATION OF SAME-SCALE ANALYSIS AMONG 4 ARCHITETURES OF IVAN ANTIĆ | The 21th International Congress of Aesthetics 2019 | Jul. 24, 2019 | | ベオグラード大学建築学部/ Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade |
18 | Court and Cloister 城市的院:庭院和回廊 | Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology | Jun. 26, 2019 | | |
19 | Aldo Rossi : Theory and Practice | Maebashi Institute of Technology | Jun. 11, 2019 | | |
20 | Repetition of Triangle Fountain of Aldo Rossi: Geometrical Analogy of Architecture | The 18th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics | Aug. 4, 2018 | | ミラノ工科大学/Politecnico di Milano |
21 | ZEN, SHINITO, AND SAINTS -Ideological Relationships between Religion and Architectural Theory of Aldo Rossi- | EAAC 2017 : International Conference on East Asian Architectural Culture: East Asian Architecture in Globalization: Values, Inheritance and Dissemination | Oct. 16, 2017 | | Tianjin University, China |
22 | CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, AND SQUARE: TRINITY OF GEOMETRY IN THE ARCHITECTURES OF ALDO ROSSI | The 11th Asian Forum on Graphic Science 2017 | Aug. 10, 2017 | | The University of Tokyo, Komaba I Campus, Tokyo, Japan |
23 | The Technological View of Tendenza Theoretical Contribution to Architecture of Carlo Aymonino and Aldo Rossi. | 11th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA2016) | Sep. 22, 2016 | | Sendai, Japan |