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Books etc  
No.TitleAutour TypePublisherPublication dateRangeISBN
1Aldo Rossi Geometry of Memory Single Work KAJIMA INSTITUTE PUBLISHING May. 1, 2024 9784306047150
2The Visual Dictionary of Architectural Ideologies Joint Work Sep. 23, 2023 Città analoga (Analogous City) 9784761528713
3Melancholy and Architecture : On Aldo Rossi (Japanese Translated version) Supervisor flick studio Mar. 30, 2023 9784904894590


Published Papers  
No.TitleJournalVolNoStart PageEnd PagePublication dateDOIReferee
1Graphical Analysis of ‘Myth of Tomorrow’ of Taro Okamoto: Bipolar Oppositionalism of Tragity and Hope Journal of Graphic Science of Japan 59 30 37 Sep. 2024  Refereed 
2Typology of Welcoming Space. An Analysis of Doors in Domestic Space by Luigi Caccia Dominioni Journal for Geometry and Graphics Volume 28 117 129 Aug. 2024  Refereed 
4Invisible Cube: Aldo Rossi's Early Works with Gianugo Polesello Nexus Network Journal 25 713 750 Sep. 2023 
5Abstract Architecture: Representation of Architecture Through Brick Toy Workshop Journal for Geometry and Graphics 27 103 115 2023  Refereed 
6NOTES ON AN ABSOLUTE ARCHITECTURE OF PIER VITTORIO AURELI: THE POSSIBILITY OF AN ABSOLUTE ARCHITECTURE (2011) and theoretical references from G. Polesello, A. Rossi and M. Tafuri Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 87 798 1555 1566 Aug. 1, 2022 
7SPATIAL COMPOSITION WITH FOCUSING ON VERTICAL CIRCULATION IN JAPANESE CONTEMPORARY HOUSES Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 87 796 1074 1083 Jun. 1, 2022 
8Design Schéma of Cross on Elementary School in Fagnano Olona of Aldo Rossi Journal of Graphic Science of Japan 56 11 Mar. 2022  Refereed 
9Grid as Memory in City and Architecture ICGG 2022 - Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics 477 488 2022 
10Watchtower of De Chirico : Design process of Aldo Rossi's Town Hall of Muggio (1971-72) Journal of Graphic Science of Japan 55 13 20 Sep. 2021  Refereed 
11Zen, Shinto, and Saints East Asian Architecture in Globalization 581 598 Jun. 19, 2021 
12TOWARD AN ARCHITECTURE OF TENDENZA:Theory of Tendenza in "Le teorie della progettazione" of Aldo Rossi Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 784 1764 1774 Jun. 2021 
13STRUCTURE OF CLASSIFICATION IN CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE WITH A CIRCULAR PLAN:A study on the geometry and scale in architecture Part 2 Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 783 1581 1591 May. 2021 
14CUBO SCAVATO:-Origin of architectural design process of schéma of the cube in Modena Cemetery by Aldo Rossi- Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 781 1147 1153 Mar. 2021 
15TAFURI, CONTRE LA VIE:Communion between Aldo Rossi and Manfredo Tafuri Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 781 1155 1165 Mar. 2021 
16GIANUGO POLESELLO'S ARCHITECTURAL IDEOLOGY AND "COLUMN DEBATE" WITH ALDO ROSSI:-Collaboration in architect adolescence of Polesello-Rossi for theoretical contribution to La Tendenza- Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 85 777 2437 2445 Nov. 2020 
17WITTGENSTEIN'S IMPACT IN BIRTH OF THE IDEA OF CITTÀ ANALOGA:-Theory of Città Analoga in beginning of I Quaderni Azzurri of Aldo Rossi through Tractatus Logico-philosophicus- Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 84 764 2219 2225 Oct. 2019 
18THE DIMENSIONS OF STAIRCASE OF MONUMENTS DESIGNED BY ALDO ROSSI Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 84 763 2017 2023 Sep. 2019 
19THE STREET STRUCTURE IN ALFAMA DISTRICT, LISBON:Study on the method for architectural utilization on the mortar-shaped slope Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 84 763 1937 1946 Sep. 2019 
20Repetition of triangle fountain of aldo rossi: Geometrical analogy of architecture Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 809 809 819 2019 
21TYPOLOGICAL STRUCTURE IN CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE MADE OF SQUARE PLAN : A study on the geometry and scale in architecture 83 752 2067 2077 Oct. 2018  Refereed 
22Circle, triangle, and square: Trinity of geometry in the architecture of Aldo Rossi Journal for Geometry and Graphics 22 129 137 2018  Refereed 
23THE MATERIALITY ON ARCHITECTURE OF ALDO ROSSI Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 82 738 2123 2129 Aug. 2017 
24The Technological View of Tendenza Theoretical Contribution to Architecture of Carlo Aymonino and Aldo Rossi Proceedings of the 11th ISAIA 818 823 Sep. 2016  Refereed 
25A STUDY OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL VIEW AND APPLICATION TO ARCHITECTURE OF CARLO AYMONINO Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 81 724 1403 1409 2016 
26A STUDY ON TYPE AS IDEOLOGY OF THE TENDENZA MOVEMENT:- Ideologies and design theories of Giorgio Grassi and Aldo Rossi - Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) 81 726 1791 1797 2016 


No.TitleJournalVolNoStart PageEnd PagePublication date
1WS – Representation of “Architectures of the City” Explored with the Brick Toys Repre 47 Feb. 22, 2023 
2The Divine Invasion: Aldo Rossi’s Windows without Glass Essays, WINDOW RESEARCH INSTITUTE Jan. 31, 2023 
3KATAGIRI, Y.: AURELI, TAFURI, ROSSI, POLESELLO—Kenchiku Riron ni okeru “Venetian Theory” no Suimyaku (AURELI, TAFURI, ROSSI, AND POLESELLO—Water Vein of “Venetian Theory” on Architectural Theory), 40 Oct. 2020 
4アルド・ロッシの類推概念における宗教的イメージ 論考「見えない距離」における伊勢神宮のイメージ論の分析 2017年度日本建築学会大会(中国)学術講演会 梗概集 2017 393 394 Jul. 20, 2017 
5Relay Essay : A Primitive Architecture 51 29 31 Jun. 2017 
6アルド・ロッシとキリスト教 1970 年代のドローイングにおける図像学的表象分析 2016年度日本建築学会大会(九州)学術講演会 梗概集 2016 135 136 Aug. 24, 2016 


Conference Activities & Talks  
No.TitleConferencePublication datePromoterVenue
1Rondo : A Theory and Practice for "Phenomenal Cube" ICGG 2024 The 21st International Conference on Geometry and Graphics Aug. 8, 2024 
2Infanzia della geometria : Operazione formale nelle progettazioni di Gianugo Polesello 18th Convention of the Association for Studies of Culture and Representation Jul. 7, 2024 
3Toward "Phenomenal Cube" in Architectural Theory 2023 Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Graphic Science Nov. 24, 2023 
4Schéma in Architectural Theory and Application in Design Education (2): Soseki-ken Exhibition through Brick Toy Summaries of technical papers of Annual Meeting, Architectural Institute of Japan. Sep. 14, 2023 
5Geometry for Memory: The Hypothesis‘Abstract Architecture’ on Soseki-ken Group Jun. 29, 2023 
6Exhibition Abstract Architecture ブロック玩具で探求する抽象建築 組積展 Feb. 13, 2023 
7WS – Representation of “Architectures of the City” Explored with the Brick Toys The 16th annual meeting of the Association for Studies of Culture and Representation Nov. 12, 2022 
8Architectural Theory and Design of Aldo Rossi: Considering Manfredo Tafuri's critique and collaborated works in the early days. Master’s Program in Architecture, Graduate School of Creative Engineering, Chiba Institute of Technology Oct. 11, 2022 
9Grid as Memory in City and Architecture ICGG 2022 The 20th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics Aug. 18, 2022 
10Before the Birth of "History": Architectural Design around Manfredo Tafuri and "The Architecture of the City" Jul. 3, 2022 
11Public meetsup with neighbors Mori Arts Center May. 15, 2022 
12An Archaeology of Absolute Architecture :Gianugo Polesello and Pier Vittorio Aureli Rally: ARCHITECTURAL THEORY Apr. 7, 2022 
14GRID ON THE CUBE OF NEW SAN CATALDO CEMETERY The 13th Asian Forum on Graphic Science (AFGS 2021) Dec. 6, 2021 
15Architectural Motives on Project for Festa di l'Unità of Gianugo Polesello 2021 Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Graphic Science Nov. 21, 2021 
16Relationship between the internal composition of architecture using an equilateral triangular plane and external factors (3): On the shadow made by the northern sunlight represented in the site plans of New Office for Chamber of Deputies in Rome and of Fountain in Segrate Sep. 9, 2021 
17GEOMETRICAL REPRESENTATION OF SAME-SCALE ANALYSIS AMONG 4 ARCHITETURES OF IVAN ANTIĆ The 21th International Congress of Aesthetics 2019 Jul. 24, 2019 ベオグラード大学建築学部/ Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade 
18Court and Cloister 城市的院:庭院和回廊 Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology Jun. 26, 2019 
19Aldo Rossi : Theory and Practice Maebashi Institute of Technology Jun. 11, 2019 
20Repetition of Triangle Fountain of Aldo Rossi: Geometrical Analogy of Architecture The 18th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics Aug. 4, 2018 ミラノ工科大学/Politecnico di Milano 
21ZEN, SHINITO, AND SAINTS -Ideological Relationships between Religion and Architectural Theory of Aldo Rossi- EAAC 2017 : International Conference on East Asian Architectural Culture: East Asian Architecture in Globalization: Values, Inheritance and Dissemination Oct. 16, 2017 Tianjin University, China 
22CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, AND SQUARE: TRINITY OF GEOMETRY IN THE ARCHITECTURES OF ALDO ROSSI The 11th Asian Forum on Graphic Science 2017 Aug. 10, 2017 The University of Tokyo, Komaba I Campus, Tokyo, Japan 
23The Technological View of Tendenza Theoretical Contribution to Architecture of Carlo Aymonino and Aldo Rossi. 11th International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA2016) Sep. 22, 2016 Sendai, Japan 


Awards & Honors  
No.Publication dateAssociationPrizeSubtitle
1Feb. 2020 AIJ Annual Convention 2019 Young Researchers Award 
2Dec. 2017 AIJ Annual Convention 2017 Young Researchers Award 
3Nov. 2016 Japan Society for Graphic Young Researchers Award (2016 Spring Meeting) 
4Sep. 2016 ISAIA Academic Session Award 2016 


Research Grants & Projects  
No.Offer organizationSystem nameTitleFund classificationDate
1Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists A Study on Design of Manfredo Tafuri and His Contribution to Architectural Movement History  Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2024 
2Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists The Study of Influence of Tendenza Movement in Architectural Design Education through Oral History  Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2021 
3Window Research Institute Window Research Institute Research grant for Publishing of the translation of "Melancholy and Architecture: On Aldo Rossi"(Diogo Seixas Lopes, 2015))  Apr. 2019 - NOW