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HAM Young-sik

Profile Research field Research achievement Educational achievement Social contribution achievement


Published Papers  
No.TitleJournalVolNoStart PageEnd PagePublication dateDOIReferee
2A case study from the City Nature Challenge 2018: international comparison of participants’ responses to citizen science in action Biodiversity 23 21 29 Jan. 2, 2022 
3Study on Lead Phytoextraction Capabilities of Kalanchoe pinnata, Artemisia indica, and Chenopodium album var. centrorubrum in Industrial Area in Kawasaki Journal of Japanese Society of Turfgrass Science 50 12 Oct. 2021  Refereed 
4Using Citizen Science to Evaluate the Effect of Treated Sewage on the Water Environment Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment 39 181 185 2016 
5Distribution of antibiotic resistance in urban watershed in Japan ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 162 98 103 Mar. 2012 
6Identification of the source of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli in an urban river basin The Journal of Environmental and Information Studies 13 90 97 Feb. 2012  Not refereed 
7Ammonium Nitrogen Deposition as a Dominant Source of Nitrogen in a Forested Watershed Experiencing Acid Rain in Central Japan Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 212 1-4 337 344 Oct. 2010 
8Occurrence of Antibiotic Resistant E. coli in Surface Water: A Study in a Typical Urban Watershed, Korea Water Practice and Technology 10 Sep. 1, 2010 
9Effects of combined sewer overflow and stormwater on indicator bacteria concentrations in the Tama River due to the high population density of Tokyo Metropolitan area ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 152 1-4 459 468 May. 2009 
10Influence of treated sewage effluent on organic pollution assessment in the Sakai River basin in Central Japan ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 151 1-4 243 249 Apr. 2009 
11A new methodology for determining dispersion coefficient using ordinary and partial differential transport equations WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 59 11 2197 2203 2009 
12Evaluation of pollutants removal efficiency to achieve successful urban river restoration WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 59 11 2101 2109 2009 
13Implications of an assessment of bacteriological water quality in the Tama River Basin The Journal of Environmental and Information Studies 42 49 Feb. 2008  Not refereed 
14Effect of treated sewage effluent on the dissolved zinc concentration in urban rivers in Yokohama City Journal of Environmental Information Science 35 135 140 Mar. 2007  Refereed 
15Modification of prediction model for soil acidification risk level by acid rain in Aoba Ward of Yokohama City Journal of Environmental Information Science 35 167 174 Mar. 2007  Refereed 
16Estimation of selenium concentration in shallow groundwater in alluvial fan area in Tsukui, central Japan ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 125 1-3 85 90 Feb. 2007 
17Contribution of dissolved organic nitrogen deposition to nitrogen saturation in a forested mountainous watershed in Tsukui, Central Japan Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 178 1-4 113 120 Jan. 8, 2007 
18Contribution of dissolved organic nitrogen deposition to total dissolved nitrogen deposition under intensive agricultural activities Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 178 1-4 13 Jan. 8, 2007 
19Highly Sensitive Determination of Total Dissolved Aluminum in Water Samples Using Capillary Electrophoresis with On-Line Preconcentration Method BUNSEKI KAGAKU 56 479 483 2007 
20Selenium Behavior in Open Bulk Precipitation, Soil Solution and Groundwater in Alluvial Fan Area in Tsukui, Central Japan Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 177 1-4 45 57 Dec. 5, 2006 
21Estimation of critical acidification year of soil in the Aoba Ward of Yokohama City in Kanagawa Prefecture The Journal of Environmental and Information Studies 145 153 Feb. 2006  Not refereed 
22Monitoring study of acid rain in Kanagawa Prefecture, Central Japan The Journal of Environmental and Information Studies 97 101 Feb. 2005  Not refereed 
23Hydrogeochemical environmental research in nitrate contamination in alluvial fan area groundwater in Tsukui, Central Japan Korean Journal of Limnology 37 431 435 Dec. 2004  Refereed 
24Study on Nitrogen Dynamics with Environmental Pollution in Grassland and Groundwater in Tsukui Region, Central Japan Department of Environment-Symbiotic Production System/Graduate School of Bio-Applications & Systems Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Mar. 2004  
25Relationship between total dissolved aluminum (TDAl) concentration and pH in soil solution with soil acidification Researches Related to the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme in Japan 2003-2004 2004  Not refereed 
26Inorganic and organic nitrogen dynamics in grassland ecosystem in Tsukui Region of Central Japan Grassland Science 49 109 116 Jun. 2003  Refereed 
27Determination of total aluminum concentration in soil solution using capillary electrophoresis Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 49 16 Feb. 2003 
28Nitrate concentrations in stream water in secondary oak forest in Tsukui, Central Japan Researches Related to the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme in Japan 2001-2002 44 47 Dec. 2002  Not refereed 
29Determination of stream water flux in secondary oak forest using a pressure sensor for water level Researches Related to the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme in Japan 2000-2001 41 44 Dec. 2001  Not refereed 
30Nitrogen/Aluminum Dynamics and Budget Study in Tsukui Region of Central Japan Department of Environment-Symbiotic Production System/Graduate School of Bio-Applications & Systems Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Sep. 2001  


No.TitleJournalVolNoStart PageEnd PagePublication date
1Water quality monitoring and assessment in the Shibuyagawa and Furukawa River in Tokyo, Japan Proceedings of the 14th Asia Impact Assessment Conference Dec. 2021 
2市民科学による過去10年間の世田谷区の河川の水質評価 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 45th 64‐65 Jun. 22, 2019 
3市民科学による水辺の外来植物の空間的変化の評価 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 45th 62‐63 Jun. 22, 2019 
4スマホを用いた市民科学プロジェクトCity Nature Challenge 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 45th 60‐61 Jun. 22, 2019 
5Implementation and Evaluation of Citizen Science Program “City Natur Challenge 2018 –Tokyo” with Collaboration of 68 Cities in the World Proceedings of CitSci 2019, National Citizen Science Association Mar. 2019 
6情報ツールを用いた多摩川の外来植物の市民科学プロジェクトの開発と教育実践 日本環境教育学会大会研究発表要旨集 29th 66 Aug. 20, 2018 
7Water quality assessment for a drinking water resource with a three-dimensional analysis Proceedings of the 12th Asia Impact Assessment Conference Aug. 2018 
8市民科学プログラムの実践:鶴見川流域の水質調査を事例として 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 44th 150‐151 Jun. 23, 2018 
9webを用いた多摩川下流域における外来植物群落を対象とした市民科学の実践 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 44th 90‐91 Jun. 23, 2018 
10webを用いた外来植物を対象とした市民科学プログラムの改善と実施のためのアンケート調査 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 44th 156‐157 Jun. 23, 2018 
11スマートフォンを用いた国際連携による市民科学プロジェクト―City Nature Challenge2018への取り組み― 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 44th 94‐95 Jun. 23, 2018 
12情報ツールを用いた二子玉川河川敷の外来植物調査の市民科学と土壌水分含量 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 43rd 50‐51 Jul. 1, 2017 
13二子玉川の兵庫島公園における外来植物のコドラート調査と環境要因 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 43rd 112‐113 Jul. 1, 2017 
14土地利用,糞便汚染指標,理化学性の類似性を用いた地下水の硝酸汚染源の究明 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 43rd 90‐91 Jul. 1, 2017 
15スマートフォーンを用いた水辺の外来植物の市民科学プログラムの開発と実践 日本生態学会大会講演要旨(Web) 64th ROMBUNNO.P2‐G‐242 (WEB ONLY) 2017 
16Using Citizen Science to Evaluate the Effect of Treated Sewage on the Water Environment Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment 39 181 185 Jul. 2016 
17中国内蒙古自治区阿拉善乾燥地の水質における一考察 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 42nd 118‐119 Jun. 18, 2016 
18横浜市における大気汚染物質の輸送パターンと負荷量の特性 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 42nd 52‐55 Jun. 18, 2016 
19中国内蒙古自治区阿拉善盟における塩類集積層の理化学性の解明 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 42nd 120‐121 Jun. 18, 2016 
20多摩川の堰と下水処理水が水質に及ぼす影響に関する研究 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 42nd 112‐113 Jun. 18, 2016 
21土壌を構成する無機質粒子の粒径組成と表層土の物質循環との関連性 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 42nd 56‐57 Jun. 18, 2016 
22中国内蒙古自治区阿拉善盟の塩類集積層における土壌改良材の添加実験 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 42nd 122‐123 Jun. 18, 2016 
23横浜市の貯水池の放流水が都市河川に及ぼす影響の水文化学的なアプローチ 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 42nd 126‐127 Jun. 18, 2016 
24相模湖における地球水文化学的な水質評価と水質保全に関する研究 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 42nd 114‐115 Jun. 18, 2016 
25関東地域における室内ダスト中の有害金属濃度に関する研究 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 42nd 18‐19 Jun. 18, 2016 
26関東地域の一般家庭の庭と公園の表層土における有害金属濃度に関する研究 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 42nd 58‐59 Jun. 18, 2016 
27地下水の理化学性の類似性による汚染源の究明と経時変動に関する研究 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 42nd 110‐111 Jun. 18, 2016 
28Long-term monitoring of water quality degradation in the Sagami lake of drinking water resource, Central Japan Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment May. 2016 
29地下水の水質と理化学性のクラスター分析によるグループ化に関する研究 日本陸水学会大会講演要旨集 80th 84 2015 
30横浜市の主要河川における亜鉛濃度の評価とその環境要因との関連性 日本陸水学会大会講演要旨集 80th 85 2015 
31横浜市都筑区の地下水における水質評価と経時的水質変動 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 40th 87 88 2014 
32横浜市における大気沈着物の負荷量と汚染源の評価 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 40th 55 56 2014 
33中国内蒙古自治区阿拉善の半乾燥地の土地利用が地下水の硝酸汚染に及ぼす影響 日本陸水学会大会講演要旨集 78th 175 Sep. 10, 2013 
34The current issue of freshwater water quality monitoring in Japan and Korea The 1st International Symposium on "Next Generation Monitoring and Remediation Techniques for Impaired Freshwater Systems" 29 43 Jul. 2013 
35Potential Effect of Climate Change on a Reservoir Water Quality experiencing Eutrophication in Central Japan The 2nd International Seminar on Climate Change 39 47 Mar. 2013 
36横浜市の大岡川と帷子川河口域の環境要因が水質に及ぼす影響 東京都市大学環境情報学部紀要 14 82 89 Feb. 28, 2013 
37陽イオンの吸着・交換反応による土壌水の電気伝導率の変化に関する一考察 東京都市大学環境情報学部紀要 14 116 120 Feb. 28, 2013 
38酸性雨による土壌酸性化と有害金属性物質の溶脱に関する研究:横浜市を事例として 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 39th 247 250 2013 
39横浜市緑区における地下水の硝酸イオン濃度と土地利用との関係 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 39th 228 230 2013 
40The comparison of urban river water quality and pollutant load between separate and combined sewer areas under the condition of rainy and sunny weather Proceedings of the 4th IWA Asia-Pacific Young Water Professionals Conference 2012 349 349 Dec. 2012 
41Practical use of a simple COD measurement through linking standard methods: a case study in Tsurumi River basin Proceedings of the 4th IWA Asia-Pacific Young Water Professionals Conference 2012 350 350 Dec. 2012 
42Effect of wind direction on ammonium nitrogen deposition in Sagami Lake experiencing eutrophication in Central Japan Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Sustainable Asia 2012 Dec. 2012 
43人工酸性雨滴下実験による臨界土壌酸性化への到達時期の評価:横浜市における事例研究 日本陸水学会大会講演要旨集 77th 87 Sep. 14, 2012 
44相模湖における水質汚染の実態とその対策についての考察 日本陸水学会大会講演要旨集 77th 81 Sep. 14, 2012 
45Distribution of antibiotic resistance in urban watershed in Japan Environmental Pollution 162 98 103 Mar. 2012 
46中国内蒙古自治区阿拉善盟の地下水におけるオンサイト・オンタイム水質調査 東京都市大学環境情報学部紀要 13 106 110 Feb. 28, 2012 
47Identification of the source of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli in an urban river basin 東京都市大学環境情報学部紀要 13 90 97 2012 
48相模湖の水質汚染源としての地下水の評価 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 38th 192 194 2012 
49相模湖付近の森林集水域における窒素循環の経年変動 日本陸水学会大会講演要旨集 76th 192 Sep. 22, 2011 
50The State of Radioactive Substance Transportation after 3.11 Yonsei GSE & Tokyo City Univ. 2011 International Workshop CD version Sep. 2011 
51雨天時と晴天時における早渕川(横浜市)の水質と下水処理方式の比較 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 37th 146 149 2011 
52Ammonium Nitrogen Deposition as a Dominant Source of Nitrogen in a Forested Watershed Experiencing Acid Rain in Central Japan WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION 212 1-4 337 344 Oct. 2010 
53Occurrence of Antibiotic Resistant E. coli in Surface Water: A Study in a Typical Urban Watershed, Korea Water Practice and Technology 10 Sep. 1, 2010 
54新しい水質指標としての薬剤耐性大腸菌の可能性の検討 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 36th 130 133 2010 
55下水処理場の再生水が境川水系の3河川のBODとN‐BODの濃度と負荷量に及ぼす影響 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 36th 126 129 2010 
56Occurrence of antibiotic resistant E. coli and pathogenic bacteria in the Yeongsan River basin, Korea Proceedings of the 13th IWA International Specialized Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Integrated Watershed Management 454 455 Oct. 2009 
57Evaluation of pollutants removal efficiency to achieve successful urban river restoration Water Science and Technology 59 11 2101 2109 Jun. 1, 2009 
58A new methodology for determining dispersion coefficient using ordinary and partial differential transport equations Water Science and Technology 59 11 2197 2203 Jun. 1, 2009 
59Effects of combined sewer overflow and stormwater on indicator bacteria concentrations in the Tama River due to the high population density of Tokyo Metropolitan area Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 152 1-4 459 468 May. 2009 
60Influence of treated sewage effluent on organic pollution assessment in the Sakai River basin in Central Japan Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 151 1-4 243 249 Apr. 2009 
61The selection of indicator antibiotics for estimating the resistance of E. coli in the Yeongsan River, Korea Abstracts of the Spring Joint Meeting 2009, the Korean Society of Water and Wastewater & Korean Society on Water Quality 87 88 Apr. 2009 
62Source tracking Escherichia coli in the Yeongsan River of South Korea using the multiple-antibiotic-resistance profiles Proceedings of the 1st IWA Asia-Pacific Young Water Professionals Conference 184 186 Dec. 2008 
63Assessment of water quality with pathogenic bacteria and antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli in the Yeongsan River basin, Korea Proceedings of the 1st IWA Asia-Pacific Young Water Professionals Conference 147 149 Dec. 2008 
64Investigation and assessment of antibiotic resistant E. coli in Yeongsan River, Korea Abstracts of the Autumn Joint Meeting 2008, the Korean Society of Water and Wastewater & Korean Society on Water Quality 518 519 Nov. 2008 
65Improving the water quality of urban rivers receiving continuous inputs of ammonium: A review Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Sustainable Asia 2008-Sustainable Land Use and Environment CD version Nov. 2008 
66Implications of an Assessment of Bacteriological Water Quality in the Tama River Basin The Journal of Environmental and Information Studies Musashi Institute of Technology No.9 42 49 2008 
67Highly sensitive determination of total dissolved aluminum in water samples using capillary electrophoresis with on-line preconcentration method BUNSEKI KAGAKU 56 479 483 Jun. 2007 
68Modification of Prediction Model for Soil Acidification Risk Level by Acid Rain in Aoba Ward of Yokohama City Environmental information science 35 167 174 Mar. 30, 2007 
69Effect of Treated Sewage Effluent on the Dissolved Zinc Concentration in Urban Rivers in Yokohama City Environmental information science 35 135 140 Mar. 30, 2007 
70Estimation Of Selenium Concentration In Shallow Groundwater In Alluvial Fan Area In Tsukui, Central Japan Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 125 1-3 85 90 Feb. 2, 2007 
71Contribution of dissolved organic nitrogen deposition to nitrogen saturation in a forested mountainous watershed in Tsukui, Central Japan WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION 178 1-4 113 120 Jan. 2007 
72Contribution of dissolved organic nitrogen deposition to total dissolved nitrogen deposition under intensive agricultural activities WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION 178 1-4 13 Jan. 2007 
73Highly sensitive determination of total dissolved aluminum in water samples using capillary electrophoresis with on-line preconcentration method Bunseki Kagaku 56 479 483 2007 
74小型哺乳類を指標としたオーストラリアの熱帯雨林コリドーの有効性の検討 日本環境学会研究発表会予稿集 33rd 153 154 2007 
75Contribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition originating from livestock to nitrogen saturation in a forested watershed in Central Japan Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Sustainable Asia 2006-Sustainable Land Use and Environment CD version Nov. 2006 
76Highly condensed electrolytic solution observed by pH meter The 29th Symposium on Solution Chemistry of Japan CD version:O-110 Nov. 2006 
77Selenium behavior in open bulk precipitation, soil solution and groundwater in alluvial fan area in Tsukui, Central Japan WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION 177 1-4 45 57 Nov. 2006 
78Water quality improvement in a small closed water area using a biogeofilter Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Monitoring and its Application to Improve watersheds in Korea and Japan 48 56 Aug. 2006 
79Survey of zinc concentration in rivers of Yokohama City Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Monitoring and its Application to Improve watersheds in Korea and Japan 34 39 Aug. 2006 
80Estimation of critical acidification year of soil in the Aoba Ward of Yokohama City in Kanagawa Prefecture The Journal of Environmental and Information Studies 145 153 Feb. 2006 
81Monitoring Study on Acid Rain in Kanagawa Prefecture, Central Japan The Journal of Environmental and Information Studies No.6 97 101 Feb. 2005 
82Hydrogeochemical environmental research in nitrate contamination in alluvial fan area groundwater in Tsukui, Central Japan Korean Journal of Limnology 37 431 435 Dec. 2004 
83Estimation of Al3+ concentration in soil solution using Al speciation model Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on “Plant-Soil Interactions at low pH” Aug. 2004 
84Relationship between total dissolved aluminum (TDAl) concentration and pH in soil solution with soil acidification Researches Related to the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme in Japan 2003-2004 2004 
85Study on Nitrate in Soil using <15>N-labeled Ammonium, Nitrate and Glycine Abstracts of the Annual Meetings, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 50 268 268 2004 
86Determination of Osmoregulating Compounds in Sago Palm Sago palm 10 80 82 Mar. 10, 2003 
87Contribution of nitrogen deposition to nitrogen excess and soil acidification in grassland ecosystem of Tsukui Field Studies on Animal Waste Management System by Energy Saving Barn with Soil Deodorization and Manure Composter-grassland Soil Ecosystem in a Mid-mountainous Area, Tsukui Farm, Kanagawa, Central Japan, JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Report 55 62 Mar. 2003 
88Determination of total aluminum concentration in soil solution using capillary electrophoresis SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION 49 16 Feb. 2003 
89Inorganic and Organic Nitrogen Dynamics in Grassland Ecosystem in Tsukui Region of Central Japan Japanese Journal of Grassland Science 49 109 116 2003 
90Nitrate concentrations in stream water in secondary oak forest in Tsukui, Central Japan Researches Related to the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme in Japan 2001-2002 44 47 Dec. 2002 
91Cadmium behavior in a paddy field on Tama River Alluvial Plain of Tokyo Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium of Environmental Issues in Korea and Japan 35 39 Dec. 2002 
92Determination of osmoregulating compounds in Sago Palm The 11th Conference of Japanese Society of Sago Palm Studies 11 16 Jun. 2002 
93Nitrogen dynamics in forest/grassland ecosystems in Tsukui, Kanagawa Abstracts of the Annual Meeting, the Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 48 212 212 Apr. 2002 
9424-24 Inorganic and Organic Nitrogen Input through Atmospheric Deposition in Grassland Eco-system Abstracts of the Annual Meetings, Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 48 166 166 2002 
95Determination of stream water flux in secondary oak forest using a pressure sensor for water level Researches Related to the UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme in Japan 2000-2001 41 44 Dec. 2001 
96Nitrogen dynamics in grassland in Tsukui, Kanagawa Prefecture, Central Japan Proceedings of the 2nd International symposium between TUAT-Japan and ESKU-Korea 61 68 Dec. 2000 
97Determination of aluminum ion in soil solution using capillary electrophoresis Abstracts of the Annual Meeting, the Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 47 319 319 Sep. 2000 


Research Grants & Projects  
No.Offer organizationSystem nameTitleFund classificationDate
1Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Educational practice of citizen science with ICT for biodiversity conservation through domestic and international collaboration  Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2021